Frequently Asked Questions


why are there giant bluefin tuna in Nova Scotia ?

Well, there are a couple of reasons, but the main one has to do with tuna body temperature vs. ambient water temperature. The bluefin tuna's heat exchange system works so well that it can elevate the bluefin's body temperatures to more than 20°C above the ambient water temperature. This allows the Giants to travel to the cooler waters of the North Atlantic. Most bluefin tuna, in this case, choose Nova Scotia because they like to feed from the best mackerel and herring schools.

Is it hard to catch tuna ?

Tuna are majestic animals. Catching them takes strength, endurance, and patience. Our bluefin tuna charters specialize in boosting your chances of hooking one of these giants. Oftentimes, the Nova Scotia fishing weather is much more of a challenge than the actual fish themselves. 

What is the best bait for tuna fishing ?

The best bait for tuna fishing depends on the specific location. Our tuna grounds offer a great variety of herring and mackerel schools, in addition to tasty shrimp that the bluefin tuna love. We love to use live bait on our fishing charters; live mackerel and herring are generally the best bet for Nova Scotia location. However, when we’re fishing at tournaments, specifically in the Mediterranean, that tuna fishing ground is home to sardines, which are the tuna’s version of an In-and-Out Burger. Also, in some parts of the Mediterranean and the Pacific, you can use live squid and bluefish to hook one.

How far offshore are the bluefin tuna?

Our bluefin tuna fishing grounds are generally 45 minutes to an hour from our home port.

Why is bluefin tuna so expensive?

Unfortunately, all species of tuna are overfished and bluefin cannot be bred in captivity, both of which are factors that contribute to its high price. Further, bluefin tuna has an abundance of “sushi grade” parts, such as its top loin, loin, and belly (called “toro” in Japanese), which are delicate and valuable, thus increasing its price.

Is there money in tuna fishing?

If hooked the right way, bluefin and yellowfin tuna can be extremely valuable fish. Tuna are warm-blooded fish, so if caught incorrectly and stressed out, their rise in body temperature and lactic acid buildup resulting from the agitation will decrease the price. A word “yake” in Japanese, which means “burnt fish” because you can literally taste the stress of the fish if they are not caught in the right way. Many fishermen depend on tuna for the majority of their income, so they will catch their fish in the most humane ways possible, as this will determine the quality and lead to a bigger payday.

What do I need for tuna fishing?

A lot of energy and patience!! We recommend warm and weatherproof clothing, fishing gloves, electrolyte drinks, sun screen, chapstick, and energy bars.  

How much is a 1000 lb tuna worth?

A 1000 lb bluefin tuna, we called a “Grander,” could be good payday. Generally they are between $8 to $35 per pound, depending on fat content and the time of the year in which they are caught. A fish caught around holiday season typically results in a higher payday. Again, the worth of the fish all depends on how it’s caught and how you end the fish.

What is the biggest tuna ever caught?

The world record tuna weighed a massive 1496 lb! It was caught in Nova Scotia (where our bluefin tuna charters operate) by Captain Eric Samson aboard the Lady and Misty. However, Samson was never credited for this achievement.

How many tuna can you catch in a day?

Our fishery’s regulations allow us to catch and release three bluefin tuna a day. If a tuna is lost while fighting on the line after thirty minutes, however, The Department of Fisheries still counts it as a caught fish.

Can you catch tuna from shore?

In Canadian waters, a tuna license and a Coast Guard registered boat are required to fish for bluefin tuna and the tuna themselves do not feed close to shore, so, no, you cannot catch the fish from shore, unfortunately. In some parts of the world, primarily the Atlantic, you can catch little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) from shore.

What size hooks are needed for tuna fishing?

It depends on the different fisheries. Our fishery uses large size specimens that require a 10-12 size hook set.

What eats bluefin tuna in the wild?

Large adult bluefin are not eaten by any other predator besides dolphins, and even this is rare. Smaller bluefin will be targeted by larger billfish like black marlin and some fast open-ocean sharks like Galapagos or Mako.

What's the most expensive fish to catch?

There is not necessarily a single species of fish that is the most expensive to catch. The expense of the fish all depends on the amount effort and time spent catching it.

Why is canned tuna so cheap?

Skipjack and Albacore tuna, which are the ones used in canned tuna, are small fish and plenty to catch. Delivering canned food is also much cheaper than shipping fresh tuna and trying to maintain the quality of the catch during transport.